Clear and honest communication about where you are heading as a company seem like a no brainer. The trouble is, not many companies follow this mantra and it hurts the overall culture.
Open and transparent communication is the best policy here. When it’s not openly known where the team and organization are heading, guess what happens? Gossip, anxiety and fear. A culture of fear never works and is sure to implode.
When you let your employees know where you plan to head in the future, it also gives them a chance to opt in or opt out. Both are positive in the long run. If the strategy doesn’t align with where you want to take your career, then at least you know it and you can begin making alternative plans. You also don’t overstate your time with the company and potentially take a spot from someone who was ready to really step up and contribute to the new direction. And if the new strategy jives with where career next steps, then fantastic. You can begin looking at where your skills fit into the bigger picture and contribute to the organizations long term success.