When to Not Follow Marketing Best Practices

You have to do lead nurturing and lead scoring. You have to use marketing automation. You need to have a chatbot. In today’s fast-moving and ever-changing world, following marketing best practices is not always the best idea. Here are a few of the reasons why.

It’s simply impossible to do every best practice well, at least at first. If you followed every single marketing best practice, you would never get anything done. There’s simply too many out there that you would never get around to doing them all and in a way that makes sense for your business. Your efforts will then be poorly executed leaving your in a worse place than you were previously.

All these best practices out there are generic. Understanding your customers and business is far more important. Experts say that it’s best to send your emails on Thursdays at 8:37 am. Or you have to have a frictionless sign-up. Well, maybe your prospects, according to your data, respond best to emails on Wednesday afternoon. Or maybe what you found was that when you made the sign-up too easy, people churn much more and they’re not the right audience. All of these best practices have to be modified and tested to fit your needs.

Marketing should be about telling the story of your product. Marketing best practices won’t help you do this in a creative and compelling way so why bother. Pave your own path and story.

When to Not Follow Marketing Best Practices
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