If you are like me, listening to podcasts has become part of your daily routine over the past few years. Podcasts have become a major source of content and information.
As podcasts have increased in listenership, advertising on podcasts have become a major focus for advertisers. For me, this trend started back with the first season of Serial. If you ever listen to the show, you’d remember the now iconic “Mail Chimp” ad. Who would have thought this ad with the funny user reading would become so well known. Mail Chimp even registered the domain MailKimp.com and embraced it on Twitter.
What’s really neat with this new ad trend is that they seem to do better than some other formats including display. Neilsen ran a study on this and found that podcasts generated 4.4 times better ad recall than display ads. As well, 61% of people are likely to purchase if they have heard the product on a podcast vs. 56% for those who hadn’t heard an ad.
I think podcast popularity will continue to soar in the years to come and seems like a great time to jump on advertising opportunities before the industry gets either too expensive or saturated.