Author : mattjhawes

Customer Acquisition Cost

There seems to be a growing trend for businesses, often marketers, to rely on customer acquisition cost as a metric or KPI (key performance indicator). It seems to be used more and more in today’s SaaS (software as a service) heavy environment where tracking all costs around acquiring a customer are becoming more transparent and […]


John Steinbeck wrote “What good is the warmth of summer, without the cold of winter to give it sweetness” and on a day like today where it feels like -20 thing quote rings even more true. What I appreciate about this and take away is that we often take things for granted until tougher times […]

Get To v.s. Have To

Upon reading James Clear’s Atomic Habits, a book about how changing your actions by 1% each day will have a massive impact, I was left with lots of frameworks and strategies on how to build better habits and stick to them. However, one way of framing things that seems pretty tiny has really stuck with […]

Cognitive Dissonance Is All Around Us

To say everything in life revolved around cognitive dissonance would be a stretch, but in my opinion not too big of a one. We are constantly inundated today with information that either aligns with our core beliefs (think of the way YouTube and Facebook impacted the 2016 election) which helps to even more firmly entrench […]

Being Still

I recently read the book “The Art of Stillness” by Pico Iyer where he discusses in a short and simple way how we can find stillness in our lives that are seemingly filled with stress, too much technology and overall noise that distracts us from ever truly being still. A part of the last page […]

A Marketing Promise

In the book I’m currently reading, This is Marketing by Seth Godin, there was a section that really stood out to me. Godin speaks a lot about nailing down your smallest viable market as oppose to trying to reach and promote to the world which makes a lot of sense.  Specifically he addresses this by […]

Bad Transactional Emails

I’m sure you are like me in that you don’t enjoy receiving emails that don’t serve a purpose. I recently received an email from PC Financial, my credit card, letting me that my statement was ready to view. Great. The only problem is that there is nothing for me to immediately do with this. There […]

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