Author : mattjhawes

Survivorship Bias

We tend to only remember those who are left standing. We all know the Warren Buffet’s, the Michael Jordan’s or Bill Gates’s of the world for their stories of reaching the top in their fields. The trouble with this human tendency is that we miss a whole lot when we think this way. Survivorship bias, […]

The Advertising Playbook

Effective advertising comes down to a simple framework that I first heard about when reading Adam Ferrier’s book The Advertising Effect: How to Change Behaviour.  It’s primarily based on two key factors: Motivation and Ease. That is, the motivation that one has from personal incentives (what’s in it for me) and social norms (what are others going to think). Ease is […]


70/20/10. This is apparently the optimal breakdown of experiences for your professional development. 10% on learning new skills through courses, 20% getting feedback and coaching, and lastly 70% through on the job experiences, projects, and challenges. I first saw this in the book 8 Steps to High Performance by Mark Effron and was also mentioned […]

Rule of 100

Pricing is an overlooked lever that markers and businesses have at their disposal. Specifically, the psychology of pricing is not given the attention it deserves. Jonah Berger, the Wharton Professor, has developed a simple trick called the Rule of 100. Basically, when showcasing your discounts if the price of your product is under 100, its […]

Opportunity is Always There

As everyone tells you, when you have a baby, your life will never be the same. And yes, that is 100% true. Your baby and home-life take over your life (and sleep/social life) in a flash. It can be easy to look at what you lost in this exchange but you can also flip this […]

The Decoy Effect in Action

The decoy effect is a trick that I don’t often think about as either a consumer or a marketer but it can be fairly powerful. It’s a tactic where you introduce a third product to make another product more attractive. Dan Ariely, the behavioural economist, made this famous when he wrote about how subscription packages […]

Don’t Change My Logo!

Slack, considered the “unicorn of unicorns“, just changed its famous colourful hashtag logo and needless to say there are mixed reviews. What I always find so interesting when something like this happens is how intensely people react to logo changes (think Spotify logo change outrage). What this seems to stem from is when users of […]

A New Business Model for Education

The traditional higher education space continues to face increasing competition from technology, most notably MOOCs have taken center stage. Even Harvard Business Review has some thoughts on the future of the MBA and how technology will impact all of education. And I won’t even get into the growing issue of student debt. A new model I […]

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