Author : mattjhawes

Marketing Leads and Goodhart’s Law

“When a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure.” A statement made by economist Charles Goodhart not only holds true in economics and policy but it how we measure our marketing efforts. If you’ve ever worked in marketing you’ve heard these lines before. We’d be doing better if we had more […]

Podcasts Leading the Way

If you are like me, listening to podcasts has become part of your daily routine over the past few years. Podcasts have become a major source of content and information. As podcasts have increased in listenership, advertising on podcasts have become a major focus for advertisers. For me, this trend started back with the first […]

When to Not Follow Marketing Best Practices

You have to do lead nurturing and lead scoring. You have to use marketing automation. You need to have a chatbot. In today’s fast-moving and ever-changing world, following marketing best practices is not always the best idea. Here are a few of the reasons why. It’s simply impossible to do every best practice well, at […]

Google Analytics Goals Setup and How To

Google Analytics Goals. Probably one of the most underrated and underutilized tools within Google Analytics. Small businesses, e-commerce businesses, B2Bs and pretty much all other business with a website, should familiarize themselves with how Google Analytics tools can power their business. Let’s go over a few of the reason why you should start using them […]

Where are we going?

Clear and honest communication about where you are heading as a company seem like a no brainer. The trouble is, not many companies follow this mantra and it hurts the overall culture. Open and transparent communication is the best policy here. When it’s not openly known where the team and organization are heading, guess what […]

What’s so Wrong with Being Nice?

Most managers it would rather be nice than be truthful. Why? It’s easy and we want people to feel good and like us. The problem with this is that when we’re nice instead of honest, we’re actually hurting them in the end. Would you rather be given honest direct feedback in the moment so you […]

The Future Brick and Mortar

Walking into Michael’s today, I was quickly overwhelmed at the selection and overall order of the store. I went in looking for one specific thing, in this case, a whiteboard and wanted to narrow my search to its store location as soon as possible. After walking up to the 3rd floor, I gave up looking […]

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